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Mahabharatha for Children

Author: Mahi Jay
SKU: Wakeupbooks-39


An epic by definition is a long and exciting recounting of the deeds of a legendary or historical hero and by that definition The Mahabharata is most certainly one.



An epic by definition is a long and exciting recounting of the deeds of a legendary or historical hero and by that definition The Mahabharata is most certainly one.

It is detailed, thrilling, adventurous, heartbreaking and so much more, all rolled into one. This vast epic is a treasure trove of a multitude of story lines and morals that we can derive from it and use it to relate to our own lives everyday.

Be it the family loyalty and love demonstrated by the Pandava brothers. The devotion and trust Draupadi had on Lord Krishna. The deep bonds of friendship between Karnan and Duryodhan. The values of dharma demonstrated in various instances in the story can be relevant to each of us. Let us learn good ethics from this tale and teach our children too!

Additional information

Book Author



Product Dimension

28*22 cm


Ram Bhangad



Book Length

44 pages


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